Asia Summit on Global Health and Hong Kong International Medical and Healthcare Fair ...

"It's a good beginning, but it should not end there."

That from Nobel laureate Roger Kornberg, speaking at a medical conference in Hong Kong this week, per the South China Morning Post.

Kornberg, who won the Nobel in Chemistry in 2006, was speaking at the fourth Asia Summit on Global Health, or ASGH, which was held there for the third year in a row.

This year's theme: " Advancing Healthcare in Asia Through Innovation."

What Kornberg had to say: "Most discoveries are made by young people.

The importance of creating opportunities for young people to gain early independence and to be adequately supported to pursue their curiosity, in whatever direction that may take, is the key to success."

The forum brought together more than 80 experts, researchers, medical professionals, business leaders, investors, and representatives from the healthcare industry worldwide, per a press release from the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

What Kornberg had to say: "The chief limiting factor in research today is financial support.

The Hong Kong government has taken important steps very recently and announced a program to invest HK$6 billion in a research center for fundamental studies.

Most discoveries are made by young people.

The importance of creating opportunities for young people to gain early independence and to be Read the Entire Article